Monday, March 16, 2009

Twin Six Rules

If you haven't bought anything from them, DO it NOW!

Twin Six is a small cycling wear design company and they are awesome. They're a four man operation on the cutting edge of good design not to mention they are extremely generous. Check out or and you'll start to get an understanding of their level of greatness. They are constantly giving away their profits in the name of charity. They design cycling clothes that actually look good. Plus, they provide ridiculously good customer service, which isn't easy to do when you only have four people taking care of everything, i.e. designing, dealing with vendors, dealing with customers, answering the phones/email and all the other stuff you have to do to keep a business running. I just bought the Team Fatty Jersey Bundle and I can't wait till it comes in. Like I said, they are awesome, so check out their site. You'll be sure to find something you like whether you're a cyclist or not, so buy it!

I know what you're thinking, "Did he really just buy cycling clothes before he bought a bicycle?" and the answer is, Yes. Crazy? Maybe, but like I said, these guys design really good stuff, plus 40% of my order gets donated to the LiveSTRONG foundation, PLUS, it's a pre-order, so this stuff won't be shipped until June. I promise I'll own a bike by then.

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